Saturday, September 8, 2007

Thing 23

My most enjoyable time was spent on Thing 19 exploring the Web 2.0 Awards List where I found the most interesting things. I never formally thought about lifelong learning before, so this has assisted me in not taking for granted the need to keep up with the exploding content on the internet. What surprised me the most was how long and with the amount of difficulty it took me to complete some of the Things. I would have liked more precise instructions when starting this venture. The time commitment was so far underestimated that it led to some negative feelings. I began with the goal of finishing and mastering each step. Problems were challenges, and there were many of them. I just kept plugging along in a sometimes not so effective manner. The toolbox was filled with colleagues who were more computer literate in this completly technology related task. I did have some mentoring experiences which went both ways.
I would be interested in doing more of this as there is so much to learn out there. Blogging is not my favorite thing and I could do without that.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Thing 22

Project Gutenberg had an interesting list of the most downloaded titles. They seemed to be academic in nature. Perhaps this is used mostly by students. The Overdrive and NetLibrary tutorials could be viewed but not listened to. They were very detailed so I'm sure could be followed. I haven't tried at this point because I didn't see anything I wanted. I will do so in the future.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Thing 21

Podcasts seem to be audio blogs which means there is a lot to wade through. I am a fan of Car Talk on NPR so that is one that I might be interested in. To subscribe to NPR podcasts there seems to be some other podcasting tools software needed. Reading books for storytime and having them on the library's website has dubious value to me. Finding a podcast is straightforward. I added the EnvironMinute to my Bloglines.

Thing 20
This is a youtube video on global warming and loss of the arctic ice pack as it relates to polar bear habitat.
Our computer is too slow to play the videos in a continuous feed, so it is too annoying to watch too much.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Thing 19

I chose the visual arts section from the Web 2.0 Awards short list. I absolutely love ColorBlender. I have been interested in color combinations since I have started hooking rugs. What fun to play with. Swivel looks at graphs. TheBroth is an interactive art site. I briefly looked at music and city guides. I could spend a lot of time exploring these. This has been by far the best "thing" yet.

Thing 18

Boonsboro Free Library

Lap Sit

Wednesday 11:00 am

Birth to 3 Years

I did this document on google docs. The spreadsheet looks like a useful tool for charts to help keep organized.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Thing 17

Done. I have checked back and my web log (blog) is listed in the Learning 2.0 SandBox wiki.