Saturday, July 28, 2007

Monday, July 23, 2007

Week 4 Thing 8, Thing 9

News, environmental updates, weather, ferrets, and knitting. Who could ask for anything more. I copied the word of the day from Ashley's (23 wizard) blog.
I found the Feedster to be the most inviting with the option to choose new, blog or podcast. The news was current. Technorati was busy looking, but looked like a fun way to look for blogs. Syndic8 looked busy and messy. Topix was said to be news, but there were comments and it was unattractive.

Week 3 Thing 5, Thing 6, Thing 7
Behold a tree via a link to flikr.
My favorite feature was the color pikr-you pick a color on a color wheel and matching photos appear. I'm afraid most of the Flikr fun and mashups were time wasters for me.
I have enjoyed reading Wool Snippets-a forum for rug hookers.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Week 1 Thing 1, Thing 2, Week 2 Thing 3, Thing 4

Thing 1
Read all about it. Ok, so far so good.

Thing 2
Week 1 Thing 2
Common sense.

Week 2 Thing 3
Ah ha, the trouble begins.
Trouble with passwords, no time, this is taking forever to figure out.

Week 2 Thing 4
I begin this with the end in mind-to get it finished. This is the easiest. I usually have an idea of the finished product in mind when I start things. Sometimes things do take an unexpected turn and you end up with a surprise. Technology seems to be getting the better of me here, which surprises me greatly.
Perhaps I was overconfident. So at this point using techmology to my advantage is the hardest.